Free world, wake up and join the Resistance! Onder dit motto brengt deze site nieuws & duiding die in mainstream media te weinig of niet aan bod komen, want "politiek niet correct". Kafir Harby informeert over impact en gevolgen van de ISLAMISERING en insluipende SHARIA en THE WAR ON TRUTH. Edoch, wij distanciëren ons van àlle extremistische groeperingen, dito partijen of bewegingen en wensen niet gelinkt te worden met racisme, misogynie, anti-semitisme, discriminatie, gewelddadigheid, homofobie en nazisme.
Some people say that the Arabs have contributed in some way to civilization, but their only contribution was the invention of the zero. Unfortunately, they remain at the zero phase and have not moved on. In fact, they remain below zero, and have not made any significant contribution to human civilization (Nidhal Naisa, liberaal auteur)
Idiotie zonder klank...
In Arabic the word for "black person" and "slave" is the same, "Abed."
The Awakening
«Whenever you start getting death threats from "the Religion of Peace" you know you’re doing something right» (KH)
Resistance Heroe
Churchill predicts "Islamophobia"...
“In a very few years, perhaps in a very few months, we shall be confronted with demands with which we shall no doubt be invited to comply. Those demands may affect the surrender of territory or the surrender of liberty. I foresee and foretell that the policy of submission will carry with it restrictions upon the freedom of speech and debate in Parliament, on public platforms, and discussions in the press, for it will be said--indeed, I hear it said sometimes now - that we cannot allow the Nazi system of dictatorship to be criticized by ordinary, common English politicians. Then, with a press under control, in part direct but more potently indirect, with every organ of public opinion doped and chloroformed into acquiescence, we shall be conducted along further stages of our journey.” --Winston Churchill
'If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.' (WC)
Tolerance becomes a Crime when applied to Evil (Thomas Mann)
Kemal Atatürk Quote
'Er zijn veel culturen, maar er is slechts één beschaving: de Europese'
Jan Leyers Quote
'Een café zonder vrouwen, dàt is de grens van Europa!'
No Dhimmitude !!!
Een dhimmi is een persoon die zich bezondigt aan "dhimmitude": het aannemen van een lagere, onderdanige status ten overstaan van islamieten, en bereid tot betaling van de jiziyya, de taks die ongelovigen verschuldigd zijn aan het herenvolk (nazi's) van islamieten. Zodoende dus ook het pad effenend voor sharia-barbarij en aansluitend de complete duisternis. Over ons lijk !!!
To the Point
'Laat ons de kafir van de koran scheiden' (Bosey Cyranow)
Kemal Atatürk Quote 2
'De islam, deze absurde theologie van een immorele bedoeïn, is een rottend kadaver dat onze samenleving vergiftigt'
Cartoon vd Eeuw
De licht ontvlambare zelfverklaarde profeet, al 1400 jaar inspiratiebron voor terroristen en zwakzinnigen, hier treffend getekend door de Deense cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.
Free Men or Slaves?
'Slavery for yourself and others? Or Freedom for yourself and others? Your choice.'
Burka Blues
De islam is een gevangenis voor mensen die de pech hebben vrouw te zijn.
Jihadi Credo
The soldiers of the Islamic State have a strong and fixed belief that orders them to fight the infidels invading the Muslims’ lands and their allies as well. It also requires that Allah’s law should be put into practice among people; Allah says: 'And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone (in the whole of the world).' (Qur'An 39:8) So this belief orders us to kill whoever tries to fight Islam and Muslims, and when we implement Allah’s law on any infidel or apostate, we consider that as a matter of obedience to Allah.
Cyranow Quote
'Islamieten zijn best aardige mensen, alleen deugt hun religie niet.'
Dialogue means Dawa
“Dialogue” in Islam-lingo of course means da’awa: proselytizing, shoving Islam down your infidel throat. Like it or not, you must submit…
Stout Mopje (2)
Er zit een man in een restaurant en hij bestelt escargots. 'Wilt u Franse of illegale?' vraagt de ober. 'Franse of illegale?' vraagt de klant, 'wat is het verschil?' Zegt de ober: 'In de Franse zit er een slak in elk huisje, maar in de illegale zitten d'r tien.'
Jihadi Motto
"Allah is our objective, the Quran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our way and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations." (Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood)
Pamela's Quote
'Helllloooooooooo! You can't have peace if your avowed enemy wants to destroy you!' (Pamela - Atlas Shrugs)